In 2010 I continued working on research problems on dynamical systems and the geometry of integrable Hamiltonian fibrations. Here is a short list of 2010 events.
Four papers, finished in the previous year, were published in 2010. Two more papers, one on a covering spaces approach to fractional Hamiltonian monodromy and the other on circadian rhythms, were finished and are now under review.
Started a collaboration with Andrea Giacobbe which in 2010 brought Andrea once to Groningen and me once to Padova.
Gave 3 invited workshop talks (in Dijon, Santa Marinella, and Groningen) and two seminar talks (in Padova and Groningen ).
Taught a course on Metric and Topological Spaces and gave the tutorial sessions (werkcolleges) for the course Analysis on Manifolds.
Attended the Lorentz Center workshop on Symplectic techniques in conservative dynamics.
Refereed 3 papers.
Furthermore, I did some programming, mostly improving old stuff. One new thing that I developed this year, was a web app where my coauthors and I can upload successive versions of the TeX files for our papers. This way it is possible to keep track of the changes that are introduced by different authors and to easily merge such changes.
Finally, I visited some very beautiful places (Iceland, Rome, Ireland) and, frustrated by the low-light performance of my Canon G9, I started using a Nikon D5000.