
Talk at Equadiff 2019

I will give a talk on Bifurcations and Monodromy of the Axially Symmetric 1:1:-2 Resonance at the mini-symposium Integrable Hamiltonian Systems in Equadiff 2019. Equadiff 2019 takes place 8-12 July 2019 in Leiden. The mini-symposium is organized by Holger Waalkens and Alexey Bolsinov.

PhD Summer School "Complex Networks: Dynamics and Control"

The Mathematics for Real World Systems (MathSys) Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Warwick and the Data Science and Systems Complexity Centre at the University of Groningen are co-organizing a PhD Summer School on Complex Networks: Dynamics and Control.

The school will take place 3-5 July 2019 at the University of Warwick. I will give two lectures on the Dynamics and Synchronization of Globally Coupled Oscillators.

More information can be found on the school website.

Talk at the Symplectic Dynamics workshop at the Lorentz Center

I gave a presentation on Hamiltonian Monodromy at the Symplectic Dynamics workshop that took place 8-12 April 2019 at the Lorentz Center. The workshop was organized by Urs Frauenfelder, Holger Waalkens, and Lei Zhao.

Mini-workshop on integrable Hamiltonian systems

On the occasion of the PhD defense of Nikolay Martynchuk we are organizing a mini-workshop in Groningen on Thursday 20 September 2018 with talks by Alexey Bolsinov, Holger Dullin, Sonja Hohloch, Andreas Knauf, San Vũ Ngọc, and Nikolay Martynchuk. More information is available on the workshop website. The PhD defense will take place on Friday 21 September at 11:00.

Special Session on Geometry and Dynamics at AIMS 2018

Together with Andrea Giacobbe and Tudor Ratiu I am organizing a special session on Geometry and Dynamics in the context of AIMS 2018 (the 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations, and Applications). AIMS 2018 takes place 5-9 July 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan.

Self-consistent method for coupled second order oscillators

Pulse coupled oscillators is one of the most widely used models for describing collective phenomena such as synchronization. The most well studied such system is the Kuramoto model and it consists of first order oscillators. When there is no coupling, the phase of each oscillator increases at a constant speed, called the natural frequency. However, coupling the oscillators by letting them influence each other’s speed leads (for sufficiently strong coupling) to synchronization.

Talk at the conference Symmetry and Perturbation Theory 2018

I will be giving a talk at the conference Symmetry and Perturbation Theory which takes place 3-10 June 2018. The conference is organized by Mariano Cadoni, Giuseppe Gaeta, and Sebastian Walcher.

Talk at the IBS-CGP Workshop on Integrable Systems and Applications

I will be giving a talk at the IBS-CGP workshop on Integrable Systems and Applications which takes place 2-4 May 2018 in Pohang, South Korea. The workshop is organized by Alexander Aleksandrov, Yong-Geun Oh, and Christophe Wacheux at the IBS Center for Geometry and Physics.

Talk at the UvA-VU Dynamic Analysis Seminar

On 25 April 2018 I will be giving a talk at the UvA-VU Dynamic Analysis Seminar .

Talk at the Analysis and Geometry Seminar at the University of Antwerp

On 23 April 2018 I will be giving a talk at the Analysis and Geometry Seminar at the University of Antwerp.

Talk at the conference Geometric Aspects of Momentum Maps and Integrability

I will be giving a talk at the conference Geometric Aspects of Momentum Maps and Integrability which takes place 8-13 April 2018. The conference takes place at the CSF (Congressi Stefano Franscini) in Ascona, Switzerland and is organized by Anton Alekseev, Sonja Hohloch, and Tudor Ratiu.

Interview at Het Chemisch Bindmiddel

On the occasion of being elected Teacher of the Year for Chemical Engineering, Mónica Espinoza Cangahuala interviewed me for Het Chemisch Bindmiddel, the magazine of De Chemische Binding, the study association for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The interview is available here.